Saturday, December 23, 2023

SiP New Earning App 2024 | Make Money Online | Jobifypk


SiP New  Earning App 2024 |  Make Money Online | Jobifypk

DISCLAIMER: Invest Money in any Online Earning Platform at Your Own Risk. We aren't Responsible for any Scam or Fraud. We are just giving you the information about the Online Earning Platforms.

Today, I have brought another application for you in which you can earn by making a little investment. Let's move straight to the method.

So friends, when you click on the link of this earning application, you will see an interface like this,

 here you have to scroll down and first set your username with your name. If you write someone for two or three days, then you get a username, after that you have written your mobile number here, after that you have to enter your password twice here and on top of the register you Friends, as soon as your account is created on it, then the necessary instructions will appear in front of you like Eagle X Earning application.

You can see in this that they are saying that the time for withdrawing money is from 10 am to 5 pm. Also saying that the amount you will withdraw will be received in your account within 24 to 48 hours.


At least you can withdraw 1000 rupees from this earning application in addition to five percent from you. Wadra fee will be cut and more you will get informations etc here then after reading these information if you click on the cross button then you will go to the dashboard of this earning application here. Look, if we scroll down, we can see some packages in this earning application, so I will tell you one thing that just like Eagle used to be in a tunnel application, as long as your package You could not get profit from this earning application until it was expired, so in the same way, if you install a one-day package in this earning application, you will get its profit only after one day. The capital will also be returned and after one day you will also get its profit. 184 rupees means after 24 hours you will get back 1084 rupees in your balance means 8.4 percent on top of that you will get profit. If you have to invest in this package, you can invest as much as you want between Rs.5,000 and Rs.4,000. If you invest, you will get a profit of 5495 ie 495 rupees, but this is a three-day package, so you will get this profit only when the three days are completed, that is, until the time that is written in it. Until it is fulfilled you will not get its profit, you will have to wait for the package to expire, only after that you will be able to withdraw your profit and only after that you will get more of your investment from this earning application. What will happen if you will be able to extract them also, see more, there are a lot of packages in it, I am not advising you to invest in this application or not, but I am only giving you information about the application. If I have been, then every servant knows the rest Where should I work, for how many days should I invest, should I do it or not, if we talk about the referral program, what is the referral program in this earning application, here for the referral program. If we come, you can see the SIP reward program button in it, so here you can see one thing that if someone joins from your link at level one, then 6.21 percent. Level 2 person gets 4 point 3 person gets 2.1 percent earning. Apart from this, more people are saying that you can also win an iPhone, you can also win a 70 cc motorcycle if you If so-and-so deposit is made from the link, it means that a quantity has been told to you in it, you will read it yourself to see what things are being told to you here. If you click on it, you will see all these things written here that if your total team deposit becomes 30 lakhs, then you will get a 70 cc motorcycle. Similarly, if your Total Team Deposit becomes 50 Lakhs then you will be given iPhone 13 as a prize which is here.Moreover here are the details which if you want to see then you can see it then you will get the team details. If you want to invite someone from your link, then scroll down and click on the invite friends button, then you have to copy the link from here and share it with your friends. You can make a team in this, friends, if you want to deposit in this earning application, then here you have to click on the deposit button. If yes, then click here, that is, as much as your deposit is, you have to select one of them and click on the next button, then see here. You people can find the related screenshot here and the rest of the information here. So when you click on the cross button, here you people are provided with some details that you can send money to these numbers and to such and such account and after that you have entered your account here. The information of the bank has to be entered here, that is, from which bank you have sent money to them, send it from easy money or send it from another bank, then by searching here, for example, you have sent money from easy money. If so, they will write EA and select Easy Money. After that, here you have to write the name of your account holder. They will write the number here, how much money to send, they will write here and here you have to put a screen shot. After the screen shot, you have to put the one in which everything is clearly visible to which number you sent the money and From whom to send i.e. what happens is the full screen shot, you people have to put it here and click on the deposit, then in this way when your deposit is approved in it, it will go to your balance here. After that, you have to install the package, after that you come and click on Invest Now, as soon as you click on Invest Now, you are asked to write the amount here. So, if you want to invest 1000 rupees here, then you have to write 1000 and submit it here, and here you are asked for a U-Shore, so you have to click on OK.So see your page package which is activated in this earning application and friends you have activated one day or three days or any number of days package then it will be locked till your days. Here will not expire then after you have expired example one day package I have activated after 24 hours I will go down I see portfolio button I clicked on it I have to check here now my package is running so what do I have to do I go here and in the completed button it will go when it is completed then in the completed button I will go to it Then when it is completed, it will go above the claimed button, i.e. in the completed button, I will find the claim button here, I will claim it, then the entire balance, including the profit, will be returned to my balance here. After that I will be able to withdraw it so in this way you guys can work in this earning application. To get vadra just click on your vadra button here as soon as vadra Click on the button, here you have to enter the details of your withdrawal, in which bank you want to withdraw, what is the name of the account holder, what is the account number, after that you submit this information. It has to be done, after that whenever you have to install Vadra, to install Vadra, whenever you click on Vadra, after that, whenever you click on Up and Draw, you will see a screen like this in front of Just Up. You have to write your amount here and you have to click on the Vadra button. The rest of the information has already been given to you, how much withdrawal you can invest with this earning application, how to invest, etc. All that information is available on the main screen.


DISCLAIMER: Invest Money in any Online Earning Platform at Your Own Risk. We aren't Responsible for any Scam or Fraud. We are just giving you the information about the Online Earning Platforms.



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